In July of 2024, fifteen students of middle school and high school age and eight adult leaders traveled to Short Gap, West Virginia for a mission trip. Part of their mission projects the students worked on was preparing and serving three different meals at a mission in Cumberland, Maryland. They also helped a local church to prepare for their annual huge yard sale. Transported food to a local food pantry. They worked with the Short Gap fire department to make sure their equipment was up to standards. Hosted a community dinner/Bingo night. Using their skills from helping with Kids’ Night Out events here in North Lewisburg, they held a Kids’ Day Out event for the residents of Short Gap. In their downtime they enjoyed swimming in the Potomac River, getting local ice cream and playing games with each other. Each evening the students participated in worship and devotional times with each other to help them see that their service is more than feeling good about themselves, it is a part of God’s Kingdom.